This Blog is for the purpose of sharing information and safety tips for children using playgrounds and swing sets. These can include both residential and commercial playgrounds, daycares centers and individual swing sets.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Park and Rec Centers cautioned about Playground Equipment Purchase

It is a large responsibility for the purchaser of a Recreation Center's Swings, swing sets and playground equipment. They must stay within budget while trying to find safe equipment that will last. Not an easy task.

Smart purchasers look for a vendor who can provide safety, quality and low prices along with a warranty on their products.

Fro more information go to

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Warranties for Playground Equipment and Swings

When purchasing a new swing set, or other playground equipment a good manfacturer should be able to warranty against defects and shipping damage. Most will not cover vandalism. Another key though is most will not cover improper installation, so make sure your sets are installed properly before use.

For more information, go to

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Stainless Steel Playground Equip vs. Spring Steel

When constructing commercial playground equipment it is important to use quality materials that will ensure safe and sturdy, as well as durable equipment.

When purchasing swings, swing sets or any playground equipment, look for swings that are constructed of stainless or carbon steel only. Products made of spring steel have been known to rust or break and are more vulnerable to vandalization.

For more information, go to

Monday, July 25, 2005

great article on playgrounds and children

I was just on a law firm's site who had a great article on Playgrounds and kids.
Go to and click on articles.

If you wnat more playground and children info go to