This Blog is for the purpose of sharing information and safety tips for children using playgrounds and swing sets. These can include both residential and commercial playgrounds, daycares centers and individual swing sets.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Swing Sets, safety, and value pricing all together

If you are buying a Swing Set or Playground Equipment for a daycare, park, or Recreation Department you have been charged with a huge responsibility. Finding the right company that can incorporate the required safety and give you exactly what you need, while still getting the most value for your money is not easy.

When shopping, the web is a great place to research and purchase high quality equipment. You can see the styles of many manufacturers without leaving your office. Look for a company that's been around for a long time and contonues to stand behind thier work, so you know you're getting a good value. With experience, most companies should be able to provide this while maintaining competitive prices.

For more information, go to


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